Story-Learning® Centre page II

Welcome to our business office on the World Wide Web
Bookstore Our Business Home Web Site & Intranet Design

Story-Learning® . . . the new, easy way to learn while having fun.

We've decided to do three things:

  1. Help save the planet by providing all Story-Learns® in electronic form.
  2. Provide an easy, fun, affordable way for ordinary people to learn.
  3. Provide a way for you to invest in your learning future, without incurring high fees or interest.

We'll be up and running soon at several web sites, so check back soon. Bookmark this page, so you can come back as often as you want.

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Payment for goods and services — the method and the rationale

We accept only cash, online checks and money orders. Why pay interest that you can't deduct?
Credit cards cost you tons of money and they cost businesses even more. The only winners in the credit card game are the greedy bankers.
The CEO and board members of your credit card companies are living in multimillion dollar homes and driving luxury cars . . . AND YOU'RE PAYING FOR THE WHOLE THING WITH YOUR HIGH FEE, TRICKY INTEREST CALCULATED CREDIT CARD!

Remember! Credit Cards are NOT free! All credit card fees, interest and business costs are passed on to you the consumer.

Why pay twice for the same product or service?

Why not get what you need and want at a fair, lower price without any phony sale prices?

Why not keep the money you'd spend on credit and buy a bond or put it into a retirement fund or an emergency fund?

Why spend your money to make some greedy bank or finance company wealthy? Why not keep that money and spend it on yourself?

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